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 Lesson 2: Output

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C++ Expert

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Join date : 2010-08-10
Location : Florida

Lesson 2: Output Empty
PostSubject: Lesson 2: Output   Lesson 2: Output EmptySat Sep 25, 2010 12:08 pm

Python is one of the simplest programming languages in existence. It's commands are so straight forward and to the point, but that doesn't mean you can quit thinking about it. Programming in Python takes just as much brain power as C++ or any other language for that matter. Without further ado...

The command to print things to the screen is simply: 'print'. To use this command is just as simple. Inside the text entry screen all you have to do is type in:

print ""

GUESS WHAT?!? No semicolons to remember this time. Woohoo!

So if I type in:
print "My text"

Then when I run the program, after putting all my formalities, the words 'My text' will appear in the shell.

This is so easy, that I don't think I can say anything else about it. Smile
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Lesson 2: Output
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